My Southern Belle Secrets

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Perfect Job

A woman had been interviewing for a job and the owner asked what her expectations would be, to which the woman replied......

1.  First, I would like AT LEAST 40% commission on everyhting I sell.
2.  I would also like the opportunity to earn free merchandise every month based on my sales.
3.  I expect you to provide me with the very best website, free online training and free trips overseas.
4.  If I bring in and train any new people, I think I deserve up to 6% of their sales.
5.  I would like the opportunity to rapidly advance within the company.
6.  When I do well, I expect LOTS of praise and recognition, plus free products, special awards, fabulous trips, and cash bonuses!!
7.  I would like my friends and family to work here also.
8.  By the way, I need to set my own schedule and work only when it suits me and my family.

So.....when can I start?

After the owner recovered from the shock, she ROARED with laughter, "Lady, you can't be serious! You're dreaming! You'll never find an opportunity like that ANYWHERE! And if you do...come back and get me because I want to work with you!"

Well, the above is exactly what the Pure Romance opportunity entails. What I do, truly is a dream job! I love Pure Romance and I love to share the Pure Romance opportunity with every woman I know. I am living my let me help you live yours!

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